Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What a surprise!

My sporty daughter of 11 celebrated this weekend "SINTERKLAAS" with her hockeyteamfriends!My handy man made this incredible 'surprise' with her. A hockeystick for the keeper of the team called 'CATO'! I was a little bit jealous, can't we keep this stick ourselves??? The form of the stick looks like the form of a keeper

-stick. So this is a real personalized present; don't you think??


  1. ik ben wel heel nieuwsgierig. Pic please!!!

  2. ha,ha, net terug van hardlopen, nu de pics erbij!

  3. WAUW, echt een superkado. Knap gedaan van Merel en Nico. Hopelijk krijgt zij er zelf idd ook zo een. (ook knap van jou hoor ... dat hardlopen ;-)
